Saturday, February 19, 2011

Youth mystery supper

Last night we had a dress up mystery supper
for the youth! It was pretty interesting! :) 

 Miriam Borntreger

My dear husband dressed as a nerd :) 

 Cowboy chris

Farmer Jon 

Its beyond words! Lol 

The Youth 

Hippie Jeremy 

Terri's main course, bread, salad, cookie and pudding!
She ended up having casserole for dessert!:) 

The girls 

Norm won the vote on best dressed!  

"The Nerd dance" lol

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Nursery and baby shower

I have lots of updating to do! 
Just for a quick review... We had
been told that something wasn't quite
normal with the baby's right Kidney.
After having yet another ultrasound, they 
found that he just has a extra little piece
to his Kidney. It shouldn't cause any problems!
We are definantly praising the Lord for that! :)
As far as the pregnancy goes... all seems
to be going well, im still feeling great!
 In 2 days i'll be 34 weeks along, 
so were getting there! :)
I have been working on the lil guys room,
 and I had my baby shower this week! :)
So here are some pictures!

A few baby shower pics!